About the Journal

JOTTER: Journal of Teacher Training and Education Research publishes original research and review articles, including field research pertinent to the method and practice of teaching, education, especially as an academic subject or theoretical concept within the context of pre-service or in-service teacher development. Papers that address the connections between reflection, knowledge, and practice, critical analyses of particular programs, development initiatives, technology, assessment, and policy matters, as these topics relate to the main focuses of the journal, are welcome.

JOTTER: Journal of Teacher Training and Educational Research is published by Yayasan Sahabat Literasi Edukasi dan Publikasi Bandung. The journal is published three times a year, in Agustus, Desember, and April.

This journal provides an opportunity for researchers, academics, students, teachers, to submit papers in the field of Education. The journal is published three times a year. In addition, we also have partners from local editors who graduate as professors from several universities who will review each article before it is published. Every article or paper published in this Journal will definitely be useful for all visitors and readers. Articles submitted to this journal will be reviewed by reviewers before being published by a blind review