About the Journal
Journal title | : Native: Journal of English Teaching and Learning |
Initials | : NATIVE |
Abbreviation | : NJETL |
DOI | : |
e-ISSN | : 3025-9487 |
Editor-in-chief | : Riki Ruswandi |
Publisher | : Yayasan Sahabat Literasi Edukasi dan Publikasi Bandung |
Citation | : | Google Scholar | | |
Publication schedule | : 3 issues per year (February, June, and September) |
Native: Journal of English Teaching and Learning is a journal that publishes scientific articles on the scope and focus of English Language Teaching (ELT) (in Elementary, High School, and Higher Education), English Second language (ESL), English Foreign Language (EFL), English for Young Learners (EYL), English for Academic Purposes (ESP), English Literature, Linguistics and all topics related to English language learning and teaching. This journal is published twice a year, in February, June, and September.
Current Issue
A Portraying English Language Learning Process: Speaking Activities of Young Learners at Boarding School
Abstract View: 61,
PDF Download: 23
A Analysis of Students’ Perception of English Blended Learning by Jones and Sharma during the Pandemic Covid-19
Abstract View: 39,
PDF Download: 50
A Improving the Students’ Ability to Write Descriptive Text through Instagram Captions
Abstract View: 65,
PDF Download: 61
A The Use of Animation Movie in Teaching Writing of Narrative Text
Abstract View: 83,
PDF Download: 60
A Students’ Psychological Factor that Causes Difficulty in Learning Speaking English
Abstract View: 176,
PDF Download: 77
A Using Text Evaluator to Analyze Reading Texts in Indonesian Grade X English Course Book
Abstract View: 52,
PDF Download: 3